OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

$17.95 - $27.95

趕快! 只是 8 庫存剩餘物品

OralBright™ Teeth Whitening Essence is formulated to erase stains and whiten your teeth without damaging the enamel and gums.

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

這款獨特的敏感免洗唇膜採用 Moisture WrapTM 技術和 Berry Mix ComplexTM 成分, OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華,你可以 get rid of stains and discoloration without the sores that you can potentially get from mouthwash, damaged enamel from bleaching, and the hefty price tag that comes with laser treatments.  It is formulated with active ingredients that gently yet effectively remove stubborn stains and all kinds of dental plaque.

User’s Testimonials

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

“I have sensitive gums, so I steered clear from whitening products because they tend to sensitize my teeth and gums. After contemplating and reading glowing reviews, I finally gave in and decided to try this OralBright™ Teeth Whitening Essence. It 完成工作後不會損傷我的牙齦! 美白效果立竿見影! 很高興我終於找到了符合所有要求的美白產品。” – 張國榮 Brooks, El Monte, California

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

“我喜歡這個公式! 該產品超級方便,很容易將美白精華配方直接“塗”在牙齒上,均勻塗在牙齒上,不會弄髒。 另外,它有效! 它可以去除淡黃色污漬。 如果您正在尋找一種可以在家使用的牙齒美白劑,那麼這款產品將為您帶來最大的收益。” – Megan Wallace, Lakewood, Colorado


OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

Smoking, poor dental hygiene, and daily consumption of coffee, wine, sodas, and certain foods that can stain your enamel can turn your pearly whites into yellow teeth over the years. If professional whitening treatment is too expensive for you, our OptiWhite™ 牙齒美白精華 提供在家解決方案,讓笑容更燦爛,減少牙齒敏感。

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

旨在更易於訪問和使用,這款方便的牙齒美白筆提供了便攜式劑量的美白精華, 隨時隨地都可以申請!

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

這款對牙釉質安全的精華液 每次治療後,您的牙齒都會明顯變亮,同時保護您的牙齦和牙釉質 免受刺激,使其成為牙齒和牙齦敏感人士的絕佳選擇。

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

 OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華 提供溫和而有效的隨身美白,讓您擁有燦爛的笑容和清新的口氣!

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華 has been proven to:

  • 去除多年積累的頑固污漬
  • 專為觸及和清除難以觸及區域的污垢而設計
  • 提供蛋白質以保護牙釉質和牙齦免受損傷和敏感
  • 每次使用都能將變色或發黃的牙齒變成珍珠白
  • 清新口氣,去除口臭
  • 採用易於攜帶和旅行的包裝,非常適合移動牙齒美白治療

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

If you’ve been hunting for a natural treatment for whiter teeth, I suggest the OralBright™ Teeth Whitening Essence. This product uses an enamel-safe brightening essence to make your teeth multiple shades whiter almost instantly and over time.“ -  Charles Grant 博士,CDG 牙科診所

Anna Fritz shares her testimonials after using the OralBright™ Teeth Whitening Essence 一個星期:

My teeth have become yellow, which wasn’t really a surprise due to my excessive caffeine intake. I was looking for a home remedy that won’t require me to shell out big bucks or go to the dentist and came across this OralBright™ Teeth Whitening Essence.

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

”I loved the brush that came with it! It made it easy to dispense the product and apply the formula on hard-to reach areas. After rinsing the formula off, I noticed that my teeth really look a shade whiter.”

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

“This was my second time using this teeth whitening essence, and I love that it didn’t cause any sensitivity to my teeth, unlike many products I’ve tried before. After the second use, I was still surprised at the significant whitening effect. This was really effective in removing all the stubborn stains.

“I’m completely convinced that out of all the teeth whiteners that I’ve tried, this OralBright™ offers the fastest and most effective results. I can’t believe how dazzling my teeth look after only using this product 3x within ONE WEEK. Amazing formula that works well even for those with sensitive teeth!”


  1. 用溫水清潔口腔並擦乾牙齒。
  2. 將精華刷到牙齒上。 30 秒到 1 分鐘內不要觸摸牙齒。
  3. 30分鐘後清潔口腔。
  4. 每天使用以獲得最佳效果。

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華

OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華
OralBright™ 牙齒美白精華
$17.95 - $27.95 瀏覽選擇